Finacial Investments

As an Independent Financial Adviser I am often asked “where do you think the Global stock markets are going”, or “a friend has been promised a 15% per annum return on their investment, what do you think?”

I believe these types of questions are asked, because for decades the mass marketing campaigns in the financial press have been supported by the large Investment and Life Assurance Companies. The financial press has received large advertising revenue from these campaigns and therefore a financial industry has grown from it. These campaigns all focus on giving the next ‘must have product’ or the next ‘must have fund’. Retail investors have subsequently clamoured for these products, chasing the promises being offered. Many are then disappointed and become disillusioned with the investment markets over time, leading to them purchasing more publications to see if they can correct the situation. Thus increasing revenue for the financial press.

The real problem is that finance publications earn revenue from predicting the next best or worst shares or financial sectors for the coming year, and the retail public lap it up. The plain truth is, giving investment advice boils down to making a forecast. The publications are making a forecast, but they have no more knowledge than anyone else. Who would buy a publication that says, “We have no idea what’s going to happen” but “buy our next issue and we will repeat the same message”. Investors have therefore grown up with the expectation that an adviser, or the press can look into a crystal ball and predict the future…..well we can’t.

By Hannah Goldsmith – Goldsmith Invest

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Despite my retirement being a very distant milestone I am very grateful to have read such an insightful book so early in my career especially when I think how much advisers will make each year as a % of my growing retirement pot. As the author says, it would be better in my pocket than theirs so that my retirement will grow faster. I will continue to recommend Hannah’s advice to colleagues and friends alike as I genuinely believe she understands the issues around retirement and offers both valuable and credible solutions.

Book Review